Hang Gliding

Inicio » Hang Gliding

Tandem flights

Hang gliding is the closest thing to flying like a bird. Hang gliding in Àger is an authentic privilege. Due to its special conditions, it is one of the best areas in the world to practice this adventure sport. You can choose between three different tandem flights!

curso ala delta

Hang gliding courses

We are the only school of hang gliding in Catalonia! You will have the opportunity to learn with one of the best pilots of the world, Joel Mirón, member of the national hang-gliding team. We offer courses so you can do this activity by yourself in a safe way.

flytours ala delta

Fly Tours

Are you a pilot and it is your first time in Àger? We offer advisory and guidance service at flying the Àger area and its surroundings to those pilots who want to improve their technique and want to explore out flight area. We organize local fly tours in Àger and, occasionally, in national and international destinations, like Algodonales and Dolomites.

Stay with us and enjoy your discount on our activities
